Old Man Needs Help!

I recently received a Creality Falcon 10w Laser Engraver… I am running from my HP Envy using most up to date Windows 11… When I open the LightBurn program the Scales both Vertical & Horizontal are very cluttered and to be truthful annoyingly so… Can I edit these Scales to something more manageable???.. If so, How can I do it??.. I’ve opened (I believe) every dialog box, tab & menu I can find to no avail… I really believe this is a great program and is going to be very useful but as I am not overly computer litereate, I don’t find it overly user friendly for a dumb old man… Thank You in Advance for any aid or suggestions… John

Maybe these in general settings.
A screenshot of the problem would help.

Thank YOu for your quick response!!.. I will attempt to attach a screen shot with highlighted area of concern… John

You seem to have no widows selected. I would go up to “window” and check cuts/layers, move, laser and other things you need and this will probably straighten things out.

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Try this:

After read the start doc:

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Thank You for all your help and guidance…

Did you get it resolved?

Yes… To a degree… Still very cluttered i.e. Scale of numbers is way too high for the work that I am attempting to do… THank You very much for your help…

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