OLM3 10W, Y axis does not shut off when it hits limit post, grinds when homing

Lightburn 1.2.01 and new laser OLM3 10 W (GRBL-M3 1.1e or earlier) On assemblay on homing Y axis does not stop when it hits the stop screws, grinds on belt. Can’t correct the issue! Commom problem?

I’m not certain this is the best setting for this engraver.

When connecting to LightBurn, the initial connection message shared from the OLM3 to LightBurn will have the firmware revision number. Please select and copy that text from the Console window in LightBurn and paste it into a reply here.

I believe this engaver should use regular GRBL and not the earlier one currently selected.

Correct should be added manually as GRBL

Could you please show us your y belt tensioners ?
And or if possible a homing video from the machine center, if you can upload maybe to YouTube?

Faced exactly the same when I started with my LM3. Turned out to be the tension of the belts. Almost certain it is the same problem on yours.
And yes, I am using GRBL not GRBL-M3 (1.1e or earlier) in the device settings

Cleared current setup and re-entered using GRBL, rechecked belt tension and found one roller not tight enough, was flexing. Unit homes properly now, thanks to all for the help.

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