OLMP2 wont frame or move in relation to workspace

OK here goes, using OLMP2. This past weekend I ran a job on a rotary which came out fine, when going back to flat work all chaos. I disabled rotary and now my machine is getting errors, wont frame or jog and is acting like its permanently stuck in rotary mode: It will home to 0,0 but reports as -397 -397 I am attaching what I believe will be requested.
get location

If I try to do anything the gantry moves to the diagonal opposite corner and slams the rail.
Please help.
Thanks in advance

Just tried everything you posted to the letter and no change.

Did it work properly in rotary mode?

Yes the rotary worked fine. Its baffling to me why the get pos is reporting back those numbers. That did not change either


New discovery: with the rotary disabled if I go and select the test button, my gantry moves as if it were the rotary!!!

If @berainlb is online he might have some insight on this issue.

Somehow after homing which it does fine If I move the gantry by hand to anyplace in the work area it homes activating the limit switches but reports the position shown in console and get pos button.

Have you any settings backups from before you ran the rotary? I haven’t got a rotary I’m unsure what to do from here…

I went OG on it and flashed new ortur firmware to the laser control. It was acting like a root GRBL issue somehow. The new bin file solved it.

I was about to suggest you do the same thing. Newer firmware seems to have resolved the conditions that would sometimes create a work offset that got you in that bind to begin with.

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Thanks everyone at least now I have the latest firmware which I was clearly behind on… by 3 versions. :upside_down_face:

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For the record OLF 190 is the newest version for the OLMP2… it has quite a bit added to it.

Good to hear all is well again. :smile:

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