I bought an OMTECH k40+(?) and it worked fine for the first few months.
However, I decided to look at the machine settings>output settings just to see what was in there. Once I did that for some reason it started disconnecting at random intervals only when I start a job. As well It seems to run at 1/4 power output of whatever I set it to. Prior to that, It’s 100% was 17mA, which I never used except for testing… Now at 100% it sits at 4 sometimes 5.
Is anyone a guru on this kind of stuff that can look at settings and know what is wrong? I get a good portion of what it means, but some stuff just seems like space magic to me.
I did try taking the maching off of lightburn, then turning it off, and on again, then readding it to see if that would fix the issue. Didn’t. The only other things I can think of is to factor reset it, or replace the motherboard. But I don’t think there is a way to factory reset it. At least from the research I’ve done.
AS far as i understand the Omtech K40+ is a Grbl based controller.
If so we should be able to do 2 things
a) check $$ settins
b) set it to defaults
1- Connect to your laser - Go to Console window
Type where it says “type commands here”
Press enter
A lot of data will come out, scroll all the way up and copy/paste the whole block and paste here please
Step 2:
having the above data stored safely so we can go back to it if needed
press enter
This should set everything back to factory defaults.
IF by any chance you changed something by mistake it should be reverted.
I think however - you might also investigate your power supply.
How long is your tube? Length of tube is relative to the maximum power out.
This table is good for maximum working current limits. Many of these are around 700mm and are really a 30W tube, so limit your current to the 15mA value.
The most simple way to do this and/or change values, is to use the Lightburn Edit → Machine Settings where you can load/save through the file system and read/write from/to the controller.
To do the RST=* command line entries, you need to use the Lightburn console.