OmTech PSU and Laser Tube

I have a Preneex 60w Blue China Laser with a Ruida controller.

The PSU and laser tube crapped out on me. So I order a new 60w tube and power supply.
Got everthing hook up and running I thought.

In light burn when I hit frame button for the laser to trace the outer limits of the engraving the laser will engrave the (mode line) square or shape. When I hit start, the laser will just make the shape without engraving. Even if I use the frame button on the Ruida Controller the laser will engrave. If i use the start button on the Ruida controller the laser will make the path but not engrave. Set the shape mode to fill and the laser will only enrave during the ram on and off the shape.

I double checked the wires from the old PSU to match the new PSU.

Any help would be reat thanks. Jeremy

Here are some quick videos of the machine.

Make sure the L-ON signal from the controller goes to the L terminal on the HV power supply. The videos show it wired that way, but make sure it’s still wired that way, because if L-ON goes to the H terminal, the laser will turn on when it should be off and vice versa.

Then verify the controller output is set to be low-active: Edit β†’ Machine Settings β†’ Vendor Settings β†’ Laser 1 output signal should be Low. The name & location will be different in your controller, but look for something something like that.

And with all that in order, if it still misbehaves, you may have gotten a defective power supply, as described in a recent thread around here.

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