One license, Two computers, One GRBL and One GALVO

I have already a license using for my AtomStack GRBL and I recently purchased a ComMarker GALVO, can I just Upgrade my license and use it in both PCs and Machines?
DO NOT post your License Key

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The commarker comes with SeaCAD, which is not LightBurn compatible… yet. It’s in development, though we can’t give a timeline to release at this time.

Good news, I have been using the Trial foLightBurn in my ComMarker 20W and it works perfectly.

This is why I want to know if upgrading i can still use both machines, with two different pc’s and one license.
Thanks for taking the time to reply. Greetings.

The basic license is for grbl, when you upgrade it adds to the grbl license, so the same software will run both.

I use it on grbl, fiber and the Ruida


Ah I am wrong. There is a SeaCAD version, but also an EZCad version.

Thank you so much

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