One License two computers

My Licensse is use with my Deskto computer and hasworkes fine. However I have to move my ATOMSTACK P9M50 machine to the garage and had to buy me a Laptop tu use it there. THE QUESTION is can I use the same LICENSE in the laptop. And how do I get th copy that I downloaded of Lightburn to the laptop a LICENSE??? PLEASE ADVIS. JARivera


LightBurn by default comes with a 2-seat license.

Enter the same key that you used for the desktop. This assumes that you have network access in the garage. If you do not, you should request an offline activation. Follow the prompts on the license activation screen to do so.

The new laptop is asking for a License Key and that is what I do not hace. I guess I did not save it when it was given to me. And that is the reason I am reaching to Lightburn because my license is still valid


It would have been sent by email. I’d suggest searching for email from LightBurn.

If that is not fruitful you can also find your key in the License Portal. Login there and check. If that fails, email and explain your situation.

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