Open multiple dxf files whiteout overlapping


When I ‘Open’ multiple files (dxf) at the same time, all the curves from different file overlap.
It’s a real problem when you have multilayer files.
Is there a way to automatically group drawings by file, or to arrange all drawings so that they do not overlap ?

thanks for your help

I’m not aware of anything like this.

Instead of opening multiple files at once, can you drag and drop individual files into your workspace and place and choose where the import will be placed?

yes, I can do it one by one, but I have about 140 files :slight_smile:

Perhaps try nesting the designs into one file prior to loading into LightBurn.

SVGNest or are some free options.

I’m using SVGNest when I imported all my drawings in the same light burn file, and this tool is really good. But you can’t import multiple files to it. is not working so well with multilayer files. Last time I used it, I lost all my layers.

In Lightburn, open multiple file looks like this.

Capture d’écran 2022-04-24 à 18.02.52

It will be great to arrange imported files, or just group the layers in each file.

LightBurn should group all the objects of a single file into one group. Not sure about DXF but LightBurn should also preserve groupings from the original file. Is this not happening?

nope, it’s not.
The last file is selected and not grouped (with all its curves) and all other curves are dissociate.

I found something to help but I also found another problem :
I import all my files in illustrator and I can manually place each piece with a simple click and illustrator seems to group them.
I export the .ai file and open it in LightBurn. Each piece are now grouped. It seems perfect …
but if I change a layer in a group, the group is broken.

Capture d’écran 2022-04-24 à 18.26.02

I group the circle and the letter B.
I select the blue layer with SHIFT + Layer in the ‘Cuts / Layers’ panel.
I change this layer for another one.
=> the group is broken
Is it normal ? or just a bug ?

Not sure. There was someone else who noticed an issue with AI grouping for imports. If I remember correctly I think Oz indicated this would be fixed for the next release.

I do know that for any SVG import that I’ve tried that the entire import is grouped, even if it’s a single object it’s grouped.

it’s not about AI. I can reproduce this ´bug’ from scratch on lightburn.

thanks for your time anyway :slight_smile:

I misunderstood then. I thought you were working with an import group. I can reproduce what you’re seeing.

I’m reviewing the steps. I’m not sure if it would be considered a bug or not. Because you’re only acting on the internal B component I suspect it’s doing an implied ungroup in order to only affect those objects. In fact, you needn’t even assign a new layer. Only selecting the nested B through SHIFT+Layer breaks the grouping.

If this is not by design I think I’d prefer this to preserve the groups.

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