Opening a file and not going onto work area


I have a great question, when I bring a file into lightburn on my laptop it goes right onto the work area on top of the grid, but when I do it on my desktop it is large. When I zoom in it is not in the work area. So I am not able to do a preview, I keep getting an error.

Opening a svg. When I try to preview, the error I get is: One or more shapes are crossing the edge of the machine’s workspace and will not be sent.

Why does this happen and what do I need to do?

Kevin Roach

Whenever you import an SVG into LightBurn, it will be centered to your field of view. Before importing on your desktop, try clicking the ‘Zoom to Page’ icon (or pressing CTRL + 0). That will center your imported graphic in the workspace.

Make sure your SVG import setting is the same for both your laptop and your desktop. If they’re different, that could account for actual difference in size (as opposed to a difference in positioning). You can find that under ‘Edit’ > ‘Settings’ > ‘File Settings’.

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