OPT PLH3D-XT8 laser with Shapeoko 5 Pro

I am trying to connect a OPT Laser PLH3D-XT8 to my Shapeoko 5 Pro. I believe my wire connections are correct, according to OPT. But Lightburn is not finding the laser to connect to. What am I missing? Do I need to be running Carbide Motion to connect to the laser? DO I need to change something in Carbide Motion?

This is a cnc machine that you put a laser on?
Can you type in $$ then enter into console window and paste results?

Yes the Shapeoko 5 Pro is a CNC router. OPT offers this laser upgrade. There is limited explanation for hook ups, especially due to working with 3 companies OPT, Shapeoko and Lightburn. I am not understanding your $$ reference.

In Lightburn bring up console window.

Copy and paste output here, or you can do it in Carbide motion.

OK I will give it a try when I get home

I have got my laser connected with Lightburn. But now i need some help with fine tuning things. Suuport sent me common things to change for CNC machines. I did everything except enable over scanning. Which im not finding where to do this. Also, i have the CNC in the front left of the machine. When i click on home, it wants to go left, and obviously can’t so it makes a horrible noise.

This is a switch + text box in the Cuts window.

If this is where the limit switches are located, that is where it has to go. It is possible your GRBL parameters are not set up properly.