Until I have the RDC6455 in hand I will not be able to test out the +5V output on that pin but it is an easy enough swap to the 5v rail from my psu. This is the progress I have made to wire up to the existing connectors in my machine. 2nd picture is the rats nest that is where I am coming from… needless to say, this company should not be in the business of making hobby lasers.
Really just hook up a sensor and see if it powers it. To be safe I will run a mm in line to measure the current draw there too, but if others are running sensors off that pin, to include some major laser manufacturers, I am not terribly worried. Worst case I jump off the 5v psu rail.
If @Dave01 is running something similar off these, I doubt there will be any issues.
I’ve never been able to locate any Ruida document that gave some kind of idea about how much current they will source… what the outputs will sink, is not really clear either… somewhere between 300 and 500mA…