Optimize empty spaces for image engraving

Hi everyone,

I know that this is a questions that has been asked a lot but I didn’t see any specific answer to this.

I engrave a lot of images, black & white (threshold mode), like this one below.
As you can see, there are a lot of white spaces and therefore wasted time.

I know the fast whitespaces option and I use it even if I limited the speed to avoid stuttering.

Here’s my question: is there a way to smart engrave this and divide the image in - let’s say - 4 groups to avoid wasting so much time with white spaces ?
The longest, not practical way would be to cut my images in multiple parts but I’d like to avoid that if there is a built-in option.

Thank you !

I might cut this image diagonally to speed things up. :slight_smile:


Check out the flood fill option and see if this might apply to you.

Fill Settings - LightBurn Software Documentation

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‘Flood-Fill Scanning’ is for vector fills. The OP identified they are using an Image for this question, so this is why I offer the split image on the diagonal to help speed the processing of this type of work. :slight_smile:

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Thanks !

I’m indeed engraving images, flood-fill does not apply sadly. I tried to trace bitmap but I lose too much details.

Is there a built-in option to do that by any chance or would you suggest some Photoshop manipulation ?

It’s definitely worth it though, your suggestion divided the engraving time almost by half.
Not sure It can be applied to every of my design but I’ll go in that direction.

All good. Hadn’t seen your response before I sent mine.

I was out enjoying some time away, so sorry for the delayed response.

Yes, for vectors, look into the ‘Cut Shapes’ tool, Cut Shapes Tool - LightBurn Software Documentation

For Images, check out the ‘Image Masking’, Image Masking / Cropping - LightBurn Software Documentation

Our next release adds support for cutting images using the ‘Cut Shapes’ tool. :wink:

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