Origin of software not matching what is actually happening

I have tried many many things and nothing seem to be working. I have always had the device set to have the home and origin set to the lower left corner. The origin Somehow just miraculously moved to the upper right corner. when I home the laser and go to get the location it shows the x and y in negative numbers. These numbers are exactly the size of the working area, telling me the origin is set in the opposite corner. I have tried numerous things to reset it but nothing is working.

I need some assistance.

connected laser and auto homed. This is what it shows:

The laser moves to the upper right corner and here is what it shows:

Were you doing anything with GRBL settings? You said when you hit go to origin it goes top right, what happens when you hit home?

When I click home it goes to the lower left corner like it should.

Even though the red square :red_square: (indicating the origin) shows in the lower left corner, the system thinks it is about 15” in the opposite corner.

Try this:

Home the machine,
Go to the Console Window,

Enter these commands one line at a time;

G10 L20 P1 X0Y0

I’ve dispersed a few extra $# (show offset table) and ? (get current position) commands in this list just so we can see as we go if the other commands (to clear away existing offsets and set up new offset if needed) are making a difference.

Please select from the console the results of these commands, right-click and ‘Copy’ then paste them here.


I did as you mentioned and here are the results:

it reset the the x y 0s and seems to be working ok or as expected, however the power of the laser seems to be less then before. I ran a job that I have done many times before and it is coming out lighter with the same parameters I had before.

Thank you again though for helping to reset the origin 0.

In LightBurn set your S Value max to 10000.
Set $131 per your machine Y size.
In Device settings set your machine origin at top right and enable CNC machine switch.