Is anyone else having issues trying to get the proper motherboard for an Ortur Laser Master 2? I have been passed around with different Ortur representatives over a 4 month period trying to purchase a new motherboard, but each one tells me they can’t sell me one directly as they have no stock available, contact this other representative…… They originally advised that I buy one from Aliexpress, Ortur even provided the link, the images one Aliexpress page matched my motherboard numbers so I purchased it. When I received the new motherboard it was the wrong one, and Aliexpress refused refund or return of the product. It was after I got the wrong motherboard from Ortur’s recommended supplier, that I started getting passed around between Ortur Reps for the past 3 months…
Now 3 months after I purchased the Aliexpress one, which they sent the wrong one in the first place, Ortur is once again telling me again to buy the Aliexpress motherboard. This time the Aliexpress link Ortur sent shows the same wrong motherboard (I’ll attach photos to compare) not only is the Aliexpress motherboard larger in diameter, it has larger clips with more pins, it just doesn’t work.
I guess I’m just venting my frustration with Ortur Support, but also I want to see if anyone has another solution the get the proper motherboard.
I am currently running one of Tim Rothman’s B-N-B 3’s on my OLM2 Pro S1 (here is a link, I ordered one with 4 drivers) Black-N-Blue 3 GRBL Laser Controller with wifi and sd | LaserUpgrades. As it says in the description, it has Wi-Fi and an SD card slot, and I’ve been using it since the summer of 2022 . I’m very happy with it (there was nothing wrong with my S1 controller, I just wanted the features that the B-N-B 3 provided).
I am in BC Canada. I am currently talking with yet another Ortur Rep and they suggest that I just buy a new OLM2 which they say they have plenty in stock, but I told them “why would I buy a whole new OLM2 when it is an obsolete machine?”. After this nightmare of trying to get parts from Ortur, I refuse to buy more of their products, especially when I now have a much better 40w Atomstack. The reason I want to fix this one is I have spare diode modules that are specific to this machine.
Find their contact and request if they have a 12v OLM2 motherboard
Pretty sure they might have some in stock
Price with shipping though might just not be worth the trouble
I they didnt return this mobo, im currenty need that one they sent you . So if you still have and do not need it im ready to buy it for 50$ if you sell it on ebay.
Im also interested can i use another brands mobo for my laser? Cause i saw cheaper altetnatives and im really on tight budget. But almost non of them has big pin connector i need
Hello, I also have problem with Ortur Motherboard and they officail contact people gave me aliexpress link to buy new one. I fount your answer regarding this problem in this forum, with advise of sinsin web page. I try to write them via email to e-mail that slows in they contact info, and my emal said error adres dont exist. Do you buy from them anything? Maybe it is scam page as they e-mal dont work?
Hello to all. I have the same problem with Ortur Master Laser 2 Lu1-3
The Lightburn automatically goes to home point and if i goes with laser little bit down to focus my diod, laser head catch the frame and servo motors got stacked and they burned the Motherboard if this happens more that few times.
Also try to buy new motherboard but ther send me wrong one and more and more. After 6 months i still didn’t find properly card…
My only option i to sell my machine for parts and to buy new one.
If you have any suggestions please be kind to share with me