Ortur Laser Master 2 Pro Homing fail

My understanding is that the dynamic status fields were introduced for 1.0 or 1.1 so you should be good in terms of version.

Try $10=3 or $10=255 to see if that makes a difference.

No differenceā€¦




Hello to all.
Here are the results of the commands you wrote above:


[ORIGIN: China]



[MODEL: Ortur Laser Master 2 Pro S2]

[OLF: 187]




[DATE:17:26:04 - Dec 15 2021]



Target buffer size found





































































































[GC:G1 G54 G17 G21 G90 G94 G49 G98 G50 M5 M9 T0 F6000 S0.]


Any ideas?

This shows that both limit switches are triggered. Can you disconnect the limit switches and rerun ?? Hopefully that goes to ā€œPn:Pā€ without the XY.

I canā€™t seem to get that output with my grbl machine.

Any ideas?


I suspect your firmware was compiled with this off. See notes from GRBL config.h. ā€œREPORT_FIELD_PIN_STATEā€ is the field in question:

// The status report change for Grbl v1.1 and after also removed the ability to disable/enable most data
// fields from the report. This caused issues for GUI developers, whoā€™ve had to manage several scenarios
// and configurations. The increased efficiency of the new reporting style allows for all data fields to
// be sent without potential performance issues.
// NOTE: The options below are here only provide a way to disable certain data fields if a unique
// situation demands it, but be aware GUIs may depend on this data. If disabled, it may not be compatible.
#define REPORT_FIELD_BUFFER_STATE // Default enabled. Comment to disable.
#define REPORT_FIELD_PIN_STATE // Default enabled. Comment to disable.
#define REPORT_FIELD_CURRENT_FEED_SPEED // Default enabled. Comment to disable.
#define REPORT_FIELD_WORK_COORD_OFFSET // Default enabled. Comment to disable.
#define REPORT_FIELD_OVERRIDES // Default enabled. Comment to disable.
#define REPORT_FIELD_LINE_NUMBERS // Default enabled. Comment to disable.

You could try flashing an alternative firmware for your controller. I suspect the stock GRBL build would work fine on your Woodpecker. Youā€™d want to backup your settings in case they get clobbered.

Easily done from LaserGRBL. Slightly less easily with xloader. Slightly less easily yet with Arduino IDE.

Now IĀ“ve unplugged both limit switches and if i send the command ? in console, I will get the following message:



This means that i always have a signal from the limit switches, even though they are not connected at all.

I did another test now:
I reconnected the limit switches and measured at the connector to the mainboard whether the signals were arriving correctly or whether there was a short circuit in the wiring harness.
Result: The limit switches switch correctly and the signal arrives correctly at the connector to the mainboard.
However, if I measure the switch inputs directly on the mainboard pins, I always have continuity for a short time. Iā€™m now betting strongly that my motherboard is broken. Or what do you think?
Thank you again for your efforts.

Thatā€™s what Iā€™m leaning towards as well. Iā€™ve never heard of this failure mode before, though, so it would be fairly rare I think.

Try one thing. Try reflashing the firmware again. I know you already upgraded the firmware once but good to do a sanity test before throwing in the towel.

Are you still under warranty? If so, you should open a ticket with Ortur team.

I think i have the reason for that error message:
The Y-limit switch canĀ“t be deleted on the input.
I alternately pressed the limit switches and over ? read the signal in the console.
The X signal disappears when the X limit switch is no longer pressed and the Y signal no longer disappears. No chance to erase it. Not even if I remove the Y-limit switch cable from the connector to the mainboard. This confirms again that the mainboard must be defective, right?

I want to make sure I get what youā€™re saying.

If you run ? when X switch not active the status report does not show X. When triggered X shows?

However, for Y, youā€™re saying Y is always showing in the status report whether or not the switch is triggered?

Then yes, same conclusion as before. But just limited to Y side.

Do one thingā€¦ can you look very carefully at the connector on the controller side as well as the board and make sure thereā€™s nothing potentially shorting the Y pins? Iā€™m wondering if thereā€™s something going on thatā€™s potentially keeping it permanently shorted.

Iā€™ll look into that. I hate to brick it for something I donā€™t really use. Itā€™s actually a ā€˜Vevorā€™ cnc3018 with supplied limit switches. But still an Arduinoā€¦ Donā€™t know who makes the board.

Iā€™ll check it on the one of the other machines. Never tried it on the 3d printerā€¦


Iā€™d suggest updating only if you have a copy of your current firmware available to reflash if needed.

Assuming the 3d printer runs a Marlin firmware not likely to work. I canā€™t recall offhand what the command is in Marlin to get limit switch status.

I donā€™t have a copy of it. I wonder if I can read it from the Arduino controller with ā€˜avrdudeā€™.?


Iā€™ve never used avrdude but Iā€™ve seen that it can be used for this. Iā€™d give it a shot in either case. Always good to have a backup of your firmware.

I reflashed the firmware and IĀ“ve tested it with all 3 versions from ortur website (1.83 / 1.85 / 1.87).
But unfortunately it didnā€™t work either.
Because IĀ“m still under warranty, I opened a ticket with ortur team and asked for a new motherboard.

Here are the results of the limit switch tests:

Case 1: No limit switch is actuated:

Case 2: Limit switch X is actuated, Y is unactuated:

Case 3: Limit switches X and Y are actuated:

I think here we can see, that the X-Limit switch is ok and the y-limit switch is bad. But if i test the signal on the plug to motherboard, the y limit switch works.
I opened the housing and took a look at the motherboard, but i canĀ“t see anything which is shorting the y-signal.
If i make a test with unplugged motherboard-plug, the y-signal is still there:
Now iĀ“m waiting for my new motherboard and cables from ortur. The support there was really very good and very uncomplicated.
I will inform you when i do test with my new parts.
Thank you all!

Awesome. Thanks for the follow-up.

Can you further explain what you mean by this point? I understood earlier that signal at board was always showing actuated for Y? Is this something different?

On this test i had unplugged the big white plug from motherboard and had tested the signal at the pins from x and y limit switches with my multimeter when i pushed the limit switches with my fingers.

Hello again.
Today I changed the motherboard and now everything is working fine.
Iā€™m really happy now :slight_smile:

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