Ortur laser master 2 stops while framing

My laser ortur laser master 2 stops while it’s framing and I need to push stop and rehome the laser, I try again to frame and it does the same thing. I do get a lock out massage and the fire sensor message

Put a small piece of black tape over the flame sensor and try again.

Is your project centered on the work surface, or are you crowding the edges of your work area? Try moving the object (that you want framed) to the middle of your workspace. Select it in lightburn and press “P”, turn frame.

Yes I already covered up the flame sensor with tape. No matter where I put object it stops framing the area.

Copy/paste the full contents of console from home to error please

Screenshot 2024-04-28 211123
I had the same issues at random times, very frustrating, on my lm2 pro s2 , I changed these settings all good now, hope it helps