Ortur Laser Master 3 Issues

Hi, I just purchased a LM3

I set it up and tried it using Lightburn and ran into a couple problems so far, not sure where the issue/resolution lies, whether it’s Ortur or Lightburn but I thought I’d throw this out there. Full disclosure, I’ve been using Lightburn without issue on my older model Ortur LM2 - but using the same laptop/Lightburn install for the new laser.

  1. When I try to run a test burn, it doesn’t start at all and I get this error in console: MSG:3:Warning: Caution: Unlocked
  2. Other times, it will start the burn, but stops in the middle. The error I get on that is as follows: Two G-code commands that both require the use of the XYZ axis words were detected in the block error:24
  3. Sometimes when I try to frame a job, the laser head tries to move beyond the limits and makes a lot of noise. This doesn’t happen all the time, but I don’t think it’s good for the device
  4. Throughout the testing, sometimes it doesn’t home all the way where it’s supposed to, and I have to right click devices to have it reset and home correctly.

Any thoughts on resolving these issues would be appreciated.

Can you take a design that you’re trying to burn and then provide the following:

  1. full screenshot of LightBurn with the design showing and ready to burn. Please have Laser window showing in the screenshot.
  2. Do File->Save gcode and save the gcode for the design using a .txt extension. Then upload the file here.

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