Ortur LB3 and YRR 3.0 chattering stuttering

New user. Have Ortur LM3 and Ortur YRR 3.0. Have everything working on flat work. Followed LAHobbyguy install to the letter a couple of times. The roller chatters/stutters and basically just vibrates back and forth. I think I got everything right - laser packaged cable hooked up (only one way to do this). Flipped the YRR switch to YRR. Set machine settings and device settings as indicating in Rich’s video. I rebooted both the laser and computer. Updated firmware. Now I am totally out of my element. LOST and a bit frustrated. Any help will be greatly appreciated and hopefully reciprocated one day.

I am assuming you are using OLM3 YRR adapter then YRR cable WIHTOUT any other adapter
Try this, plug the YRR cable to the X motor, do the X motor also behave the same way?

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Thank you Gil for a surprisingly fast response!

Correct. I am using the cable supplied with the LM3 laser which I connected to the YRR 3.0. Switch is in YRR position. Lightburn parameters changed as instructed.

As you advised, I plugged the Y axis cable into the X axis motor. It burns a perfectly straight line. Guess that narrows it down to to the rotary device or cable connection. Please advise my next step.

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Sounding like a rotary issue itself
a) can you show me how you plugged all, and how it sounds if YRR is pluged and if Cable is pluged to X
Maybe small video?

System is not allowing me to upload or attach video. Advise?
I also noticed the red and black wires on the X & Y plugs are opposite. Should be able to see in photo.

You need to maybe upload to youtube and post link, or use https://orturtech.wetransfer.com to send

The reversed wres is normal. However if ou plug cable to X motor what happens ? x does the same noise?

When I plug the Y cable into the X motor it runs smoothly. When Y cable plugged into Y motor on rotary device it chatters. Gear just moves back and forth a fraction very rapidly.
I will try to send video.

Video would really help but sounding like a bad stepper

Sent 2 videos this morning. I attach them and send them again. I used the wetransfer given to me earlier in this thread.

Definitinly something wrong with your YRR
Ortur Customer Support – Ortur Support Ticketing System need to file a ticket , just briefly say we discussed YRR in lightburn, and i can issue a RMA

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