Ortur LM3 keeps disconnecting

Hello all,

I’ve had my Ortur LM3 for a few months. Every time I go to use it, it fails to connect to my Macbook Pro (Monterey 12.6). In the past I’ve been able to reinstall the device through Lightburn, but that’s a huge pain. But today, that didn’t work either. Even when I tried to install the new driver, it still wouldn’t connect via USB. I have no idea where to even begin. Help!

In console type
press enter, and copy/paste the full output
You might need a firmware update

So I typed that, hit enter and nothing happened in the console. The laser is on and connected to the computer via USB. However, now “Find my laser” recognizes that something is there, so I’m gonna just reinstall it again. Any advice on how to prevent this from happening every time I restart the laser? Thanks!

Seems to me your PORT is not correctly selected
As you cannot be connected and not get an output

Any chance you are connected to Bluetooth device instead?
Check on your Laser Panel - > the drop down in front of devices

Also make sure you power on ORTUR first, and launch lightburn after

Bluetooth is currently off. This morning, I reinstalled the laser. I did a few jobs, it worked fine. Then I shut it off, and quit Lightburn. A few hours later, we’re back to the same problem. I’m using the same hardware, the same settings, and I made sure to plug in the cable, turn the laser on, then launch LB. Nothing. Console says “waiting for connection…” and the Find My Laser comes up with nothing. I’ve tried using all 4 USB ports on the laptop and none of them worked.

Thanks for your help Gil Araújo, I appreciate it!

M1 mac yes?

Do you have a very very dumb usbC to usbA hub/adapter you could put in the middle
The cheapest one the better.

Not the M1, I have an i5 chip (computer was made in 2016, i got it second hand a few years ago). And yes, I’m using the usb a to c adapter.

we need to see what firmware you are running
Therefore we need 1 good connection then
$i in console

However this behaviour is odd on a i5
M1 is common thoug

Are you on 1.5.01 LB?

Yes I’m updated to 1.5.01.
A user on Reddit suggested a very specific startup procedure:
Start the LM3, plug the cord in to my Mac, then plug the cord into the LM3 USB, then start Lightburn.

That worked. I was able to Find My Laser and connect it. So here’s what the console tells me:




[MODEL:Ortur Laser Master 3]








Target buffer size found







[BOARD:Ortur Laser Master 3]



Cluster size found

[WIFI MAC:58:xxxxxx]


[PLUGIN:Power Detecter v1.0]

[PLUGIN:Power Control v1.0]

[PLUGIN:gyroscope sensor v1.0]

[PLUGIN:Trinamic v0.09]



[PLUGIN:ESP32 WebUI v0.03]


[PLUGIN:YRR v1.00]

(I’ve censored the IP address; come to think of it I have no idea if that’s a sensitive information but seemed like it can’t hurt lol)

Is internal network IP so is a little irrelevant

This behaviour is not abnormal on MacOs
Where the OS detects the new usb serial ports but does not broadcast it

I always recomend users on Mac to buy the cheapest dumbest USB C hub they can, that is rated USB2.0 (not 3.0 or blue ports)
This will force macos to always handshake usb with 2.0 protocol which seems to be much more stable.

This is even more relevant on M1 chips, as apple, in their infinite wisdom decided to put even more barriers in place.

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