Ortur won’t connect to Lightburn

I feel like I’ve tried everything. Put Ortur together. Homed perfectly. The blue light next to the power light would only stay on for a few seconds. After installing ZaDig the light stays on when plugged into usb. Now on lightburn it won’t find my laser and when I do it manually the console tab just says waiting on connection. I have windows 8. This same laptop runs my cnc with no issues

Can you see a COM port in Device Manager for the laser? It’s possible that Windows 8 doesn’t come with the driver for the Ortur so you may need to install it manually.

What specific model do you have? Including series number if you have a OLM2 Pro.

What is ZaDig? [EDIT - nevermind on this. I see it’s the utility to install USB drivers]

I had this same problem but I believe in figured it out. Going to test again tomorrow.

But I turned laser on, connected to light burn, then closed lightburn and restarted. It’s been connecting that way for me. Maybe that’s how I was supposed to do it all along, but I didn’t know that if so.

If this is the case then it can typically be remedied by forcing a reconnect by right-clicking the “Devices” button. Also make sure the right port is showing up next to the device.