Out of bounds error message I can't fix

I suddenly started getting the “Cut may be out of bounds. Proceed anyway?” message on every attempt to start my Ortur Lasermaster 2 engraver. It started after I had made several of the same 2 simple crossing lines that cut some a thin piece of paper into exact quarters. I successfully did about 12 of these cuts then it stopped with the above error. I tried creating a new project making sure nothing was outside the area.

I have tried the reset button, disconnecting the device from both the computer and power, reinstalling Lightburn version 1.2.04.exe, restarting my computer and letting it all stay disconnected overnight. Nothing has worked. Is this a Lightburn or Ortur problem?

What “Start from” mode are you using?

If you are using Absolute Coords and still seeing this issue can you run these commands in Console one at a time after homing and return results?


I entered the commands. the error continues to happen.

Those weren’t meant as a fix. They are for diagnostics. Can you return the results of those commands here by copy+pasting the contents into a reply?

Also, can you confirm what “Start from” mode you are using?

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You pointed me in the right direction. I noticed that “Start From” was not set to Absolute coordinates. I must have inadvertently changed that setting with a stray mouse button pick. It is back on absolute and all is working as it should. Thank you very much.

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