Outline an object

I am trying to fill the areas marked with an x and not fill the other areas, I’ve been told to outline the area and I don’t know how to do that.

Use offset or I believe you can just duplicate line. This is still a skill I have not mastered, hit and miss till I get what I want. If you upload file would be nice.
Try to view each line as a signal for laser to turn on or off.

If you don’t mind posting the .lbrn2 file, someone will probably show you how to fix the issue…

There is a video floating around somewhere that shows this, but I can’t locate it…

In simple terms during a scan (fill), the beam turn on when at the first line, then turns off at the next line.


here is the file in question
WALL 3.lbrn2 (92.8 KB)

Something like this?

I duplicated the inner circle and changed it’s layer to blue.

WALL-3-mod.lbrn2 (106.0 KB)


Thanks It worked.!

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