I am having a little bit of trouble with a circle on the my chuck rotary. The circle is oval shaped a little bit. I checked my rotary settings, the diameter of the cup , and the circle in the program. My controller is a Ruida 644XS and the chuck rotary is from cloudray laser.
Attached some pics with my settings in case anyone can see what I might be doing wrong.
One more thing to add… when I frame the red rectangle just to make sure the settings are good I set a piece of tape on the cup and make sure it travels one full rotation. No issues seen during that test.
It’s an optical illusion due to the curve of the substrate. I think you’ll find if you measure it out, it’s actually round, but looks oval. I usually adjust the circle out of round a bit in LightBurn before I run it to adjust for the optical illusion. You’re on the right track with the blue painters tape, just play around with the logo until it looks correct when you look at it. I usually go about 10-15% out of round to get it to look correct if I remember correctly.