Overscanning kinda way off?

This problem came across my radar recently. Being the curious sort, I thought I’d investigate. I can find no issues with the imported image file. When previewed with Overscanning off it appears as one would expect:

With Overscanning on (3%) it previews like this:

I seem to recall seeing some discussion of overscanning issues; I don’t know if this is related.

Any insight?

Carlos1.lbrn2 (277.3 KB)

Overscan is a percentage of speed. You have the speed for the image at 150000.0.
That is one fast laser!

Wait. What? It’s a percentage of speed? What?

Hover your pointer of the highlighted part and the tip will show up.

I see what the tool tip says. It’s very vague, with no mention of speed. It does, however, specifically mention “scanned vectors”.

If you hover over “overscan” yes, but hover over the actual percentage you get a different tip.

I can’t find anywhere an actual explanation of how this setting is applied, only vague explanation. Perhaps someone in the know would like to chime in?



Change the mm/min to something realistic and you should get a much better idea.

Overscanning is a percentage of the speed used, and right beside the overscanning box you can see a number that is the amount of overscan you’ll get, given the current settings. I’m not sure how that could be more clear.

Yes, I realize that. But now I want to know how overscanning is actually calculated. Because I’m curious.

Actually with an image the amount of overscan don’t show up.

It’s the speed of the layer in mm/sec * the overscan amount. That’s it. If your layer speed is 100 mm/sec, 2.5% overscan will be 2.5mm.

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Guess I was just having a senior moment. It’s clear now.

Found and fixed for the next update.

Didn’t bother me since I know what works for me.
But great to see such fast followups to even slight problems.
Great job!

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