Overshoot closed paths by a small value?

I’m having this issue with my Creality Falcon 5w where closed objects don’t always close, like the laser is stopping short, and it’s something that could be fixed by being able to overshoot a path slightly. I understand that for wood many people want their pieces to hang on a little bit to make clean up easier, but for fabric it actually makes removing the material from the table more difficult.

With fabric, I’m also looking for the heat of the laser to seal the edges to stop fraying. An in-software solution to be able to just continue a long a path that has closed, without the time sink, singe risk, and material shoft risk of an second pass for just a half millimeter would take care of it

I am also a little paranoid that I have some sort of axis drift as this issue does seem more severe the further away from the origin I get. It’s harder to nail it down on fabric but I noticed this difference between a wood cut i did today close to the origin and an identical piece that i cut about 200mm up the y axis and 150mm across the x, but i just really really really don’t want it to be an issue with the machine itself.

I do think you have a mechanical issue. I would be checking all set screws with an allen wrench for any looseness.

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Would second this.
Belt tension is the most probably issue. check both X and Y (both belts9

I did have to assemble the laser which involved tensioning the belts by hand, and they ARE noticeably different tensions. However, I’m not sure how I’d even get them to be the same. Creality’s assembly instructions said to just pull on the belts and tighten down the boat screws and didn’t give anything more than that so i figured i just had to get them as close as I could. Is there some sort of trick to it?

Dot Test with Angle.lbrn (46.3 KB)
This file is a small test for belt tensions

Left and right belt must be - as close as possible - the same tension

When you finish retensioning and making sure X is square with Y
Run the test on a bit of cardboard or wood and post a picture please?

Only after you fine tune your machine Only!

If you still need to cut a little past the end of the cut you can set this option (till 50mm)


Here’s what I got after pulling the belt as tight as I could. It doesn’t look or feel like it moved much but the left y axis belt is noticeably tighter.

I would say thats as perfect as i would expect it.

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Thank you, I’m already seeing results. Even really involved shapes are closing completely now!


Just wanted to share this in case you haven’t seen it.

Hope it’s helpful.


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