I turned on the pass through function with high resolution photos to reduce processing time. The outcome was very nice. Is this a good practice or is there anything wrong doing it this way?
Before starting the burn, I adjusted the photo using image adjust function.
My question is that: does image adjust function work while pass through is on?
This is fine if you get the results you want. There are on-line photo sites such as image-r that will allow some pretty complicated modifications. These are generally run with the pass-through enabled.
I think there is processing when it gets modified by the image mode. This occurs previous to it going out to the machine.
I think ‘what you see is what you get’ with pass-through on. If you modified the artwork it will be passed through without modification. You will notice you lose the dpi/image type controls with pass-through.
This is just from me using the machine, but it seems logical… Results can vary greatly between pass-through being set or not.
I would think so. Lightburn puts in the image mode, such as stucki or newsprint. Might not be what you want. If you’re modifying one of image-r outputs, probably work, but never tried it.