Is there a setting I’m missing in Lightburn? After the last Lightburn update, everything I try to do is inverted.Never ran into this before. I have to do my layouts, then select all and invert the project in LIghtburn before engraving. I’ve had 2 other lasers that I controlled with Lightburn and this never happened with those. But, the Falcon2 it happens all the time. Has to be a setting I’m missing.
In Edit->Device Settings, make sure that the machine Origin setting is positioned on bottom-left dot.
Thank you. But it is in the bottom left already. On the work area I have two small boxes. A tiny one on teh bottom lft corner marked “X and Y”. This one is on the inside of the corner. Then there is a bigger square on the top left corner, that is centered over the corner. If this tells you anything.
Can you take a full screenshot of LightBurn please?
Also, to confirm the symptom, are you saying that the burn is inverted from what it shows on screen? Or are you saying that designs get inverted when you switch to this device? And need to be re-inverted to make it look correct on-screen?
It looks just like it should here, but when I burn it, then the picture is inverted, flipped end for end, so you need a mirror to read it proper. Been doing this for every file I run.
Coul dyou go to Layers, double click the image layer and take a screenshot of settings there toO
Also screenshot of device Settings
Try running with Absolute Coords. Reduce the size of the design to make the test go more quickly.
Do jogging controls work correctly? Up moves up, down moves down, left moves left, and right moves right?
Let me go down and see if the jogging works proper.
Ok. MAde sure everything was set,. Joggs proper motion. However, I had to use the machine jogging buttons to test motion. Forgive me, but I couldn’t find the jogging controlls in Lightburn. Pattern was orentated proper on the build screen. Reduced size, And… still prints inverted.
This is in Move window.
Did you set to Absolute Coords when you ran the test?
Also, can you confirm that no changes were made to GRBL configuration or to hardware?
To what corner does your machine home? What is the reported position after homing? Push “Get Position” in Move window to confirm position.
Ok, got the move tab to show. Jogging moves the laser in reverse from what I move it. Homes to bottom left corner, which is where I had set it. No changes have been made, that I am aware of. Absolute Coordinates is checked. Jogging with the machine jog buttons move in the proper direction.
Now this is interesting. I went back and doulble checked the settings. Made sure bottom left radio button was checked for position. And when I went back to the build scree, my design is inverted.
Homes to bottom left. “Get Position” shows "X:0.03 Y:0.03
I deleted the file from the screen, and re-imported it. The file shoes proper, the jog buttons work like they are supposed to, and it engraves in the proper direction.Whatever you had me check seems to have worked. I thank you for all your help. Part of my problem may have been from working on two machines. My designing is done upstairs, and the operation is done downstairs in my shop. I was seeing one thing upstairs and my mind was trying to see the same thing downstairs. But, it works, and that’s the important thing.
Glad it got sorted.
Note that any time you switch origin or to a device with a different origin when a design is already loaded, it will reorient the design.
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