Pdf file import for pcb

If you are going into Inkscape anyway, can you not just do Stroke to Path and keep things as vector and import that way?

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You are latched on the image as intermediate step. You should avoid it.

I just did this Gerber to NC conversion. It fill toll path for isolation milling/burning and even did drilling with one path, nicely swapping tool in between. That drilling you may cut and paste or just delete. This is one stop conversion. It is free. When I convert - it did complain about some complex polygon, but result is fine.

Back-plot of my trial is below.

If you like - drop your Gerbers here - I will try to convert to NC.

This is considered error, copper angle sharper than 90 degrees, called Acid Trap. It may cause accelerated etching - thinning of the lines. Reroute to the center.

Here is another free tool.

I downloaded PCBconverter and it works fine. DesignSpark, that I have used for connecting to the laser-engraver unfortunately does not support .ngc files. Do you know of one that does?


G-code may have different letters for file extension, but they all are G-Code. Rename NGC to NC or just G. Most laser software will be able to open it.
You may use “UGS” to send code to machine. I think LightBurn should be able to send NC files.
I would recommend to post process your g-code in text editor, maybe, if any problem, to get rid of Z-motions and such. But g-code is g-code, mill or laser or CNC.

From Digispark you should get Gerbers, this is the standard, not NCs or PDFs, then convert them to NC (NGC), ideally also checking it with backplotter (here is the one I really like), then send NC code to the laser, with LightBurn, or UGS or any other software that can send g-code.

Note that this software will also convert Gerber drill table to g-code, very handy if you have combo machine like 3018 CNC.

I tried renaming th file, but Lightburn does not recognize it in ‘open file - all supported’. So I tried renaming it to .sc which is showing in 'all supported, but same result. It is recognized in File Explorer as ‘Gcode for laser engraving’ but Lightpurn ‘Open’ files does not see it.

I would expect LightBurn to be able to run NC file.
You cannot edit NC filed in LightBurn, only send to/control your laser machine.
You may also try UGS or LaserGRBL.

You don’t Open gcode files. You use “Run Gcode” in Laser window to run gcode.

There has been discussion about adding more g-code visualization capabilities but nothing I’ve seen committed as yet.

I don’t understand how I do that. I don’t have any ‘run’ or ‘run gcode’ in the laser window,

This is what you’re looking for. If you cannot find it can you take a full screenshot of LightBurn with the Laser window showing?

Ah, this what my laser window looks like:

May it because Lightburn is in beginner mode?

Yes. But when I looked at an earlier screenshot that didn’t appear to be the case. Change that and you should be able to see the button.

Also, the naming convention of your device would imply you’re using GRBL-M3. Is that the case? And do you actually have a device older than GRBL 1.1f?

I got a ‘Enjoywood’ laser engraver fairly recently, and so far have only found laserGRBL and Lightburn working with it, and in Lifhburn Device list I onl see GRBL, GRBL-LPC and GRBL-M3 (I assume it must be a GRBL something).

Yes, exiting beginner mode unveiled the ‘Run GCode’ button in Lightburn. I as then able to run a gerber file of a pcb I created myself, but still so much a beginner I would like to try an example first, However I getthis error every time: 'Unimplemented commands G36/G37(Polygons). I tried usng an examl from Designspark.

Run this in Console to determine your grbl version for the controller:


Unless the board is very old it’s likely 1.1f or newer which means you’d be better served with GRBL vs GRBL-M3.

To confirm how your device has been setup in LightBurn can you click “Devices” button in Laser window, then click once on the name of your laser. The device type will show at the bottom of the window. Can you take a screenshot of that?

G36/G37 is not supported in GRBL. See here for a list of valid commands:
Home · gnea/grbl Wiki · GitHub

I had this popup. Usually ignoring it, checking with back-plot and never seeing any problem.
I guess it is a possibility that it may actually affect something. Worst case - gCode can be edited a bit by hand.

I am still having trouble creating a pcb. I created a gerber file using an example in DesignSpark. I then used PCBConverter to create a gcode file. As mentioned before, when I load the gerber file into BCBConverter I first get a pop-up saying “Unimplemented commands G36/G37(Polygons)”. When I click ‘OK’ I get a second pop-up saying “Diameter too small”. It then gives me this preview:
It looks a little weird to me, but I don’t know what good gcode looks like. I change the file extension to ‘.nc’ and when double-clicking on the filename it brings it up in LaserGRBL, but also looks weird:
LaserGRBL runs on the file, but doesn’t turn on the laser, and the console shows a lot of ‘unsupported command’
In LightBurn I can select the .nc file with ‘run GCode’ but nothin else. The ‘Frame’ and ‘Start’ buttons are greyed out.

What am I doing wrong? Is there software that is better to use for this?

Here is the gcode file (renamed to .txt)
Design1Top Copper.txt (108.4 KB)

NC looks good but I racall you like to burn paint off then etch.
This NC looks like photo-plotter option, not isolation milling/burning.

Check options for isolation barrier milling. (same as burning paint off) and post again.

On your image red line is rapid movement for drilling. If you not intended to drill on CNC then you can edit that portion of NC out.

For intended for CNC code you have to edit NC header and footer. You can edit in notepad or setup you machine in the app so it is added automatically.

My setup for such purpose:



S200 meaning laser power is 20% and F1500 meaning speed is 1500mm/min. adjust numbers as you see fit.

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