Periodo di prova

Salve è possibile allungare il periodo di prova del softwere perché ho installato il programma e posi ho dovuto cambiare la scheda e quindi ho dovuto aspettare circa 30 gg e non sono riuscito ad usare il programma il mio ID è: 92542e64-6e1b-473b-9627-434e1fcaea2a grazie per la comprensione

Hi it is possible to extend the trial period of the software because I installed the program and then I had to change the card and then I had to wait about 30 days and I was unable to use the program my ID is: XXXX thanks for understanding

Done. We have reset your trial so you should have the full 30 days again.

LightBurn should pick up the trial extension automatically, but you may need to go into Help → License Management and press “Extend Trial” to force it to check back in with the license server.

Hecho. Hemos restablecido su versión de prueba, por lo que debería tener los 30 días completos nuevamente.

LightBurn debería recoger la extensión de prueba automáticamente, pero es posible que deba ir a Ayuda → Administración de licencias y presionar “Extender prueba” para obligarlo a volver a registrarse con el servidor de licencias.

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