Polar 350 ramps up but doesn't start

New OmTech Polar 350 user. It seems like when I have a detailed design, LightBurn sends it to the laser, but the laser ramps up and kicks into (what I would call a) Ready status, but then nothing happens. Like it’s too much info to process it. I’ve started separating the different text and graphics into separate layers (even though they’re all set to the same settings). But still the strange ‘pause’ of the laser. Is this a laser question or software question? HALPPPP!!!

Are you using start or send?

On my Ruida, I send the file to the machine, go out and run it from the console. There is a start which sends the file, then starts it.

It sounds like it’s ready, you just have to press the button…

I don’t have one of these and I know they are missing the console… But a green light should be good…
