Possible bug? Laser passing over image data twice

Noticed an interesting thing when running keychains today. Some of my art is converted to images when exporting from Corel Draw, mainly because of how our old rdworks handled complex images and sheets of the same thing. These were generated with transparent backgrounds, and when actually running, the laser does all the image, and then goes back to the bottom of the tire (where there is overlap inimage field, but not image content) and scans it twice.

Capture glad 1

Here are the settings being used, I find these to get they done faster when they run as individuals, instead of scanning the whole sheet.

And how they are turning out in practice. Notice the bottom of the tire is darker and not as clear.

And I noticed that the image is strangely doubled there in lightburn. That isnt how it was previously (in RD or Corel), is that because of it being a transparent background image?

what is the first layer? that is on fill.
the second layer is a picture, so presumably also fill

deactivate one of the layers, what happens then?

Other patterns in this batch, some are line art and not raster, but they are running fine.

If not a private file, please post here so we can take a look. If you can’t or don’t want to share in public, you can also send to support at lightburnsoftware dot com.

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