Potencia minima (minimum power)

Retiraram na atualização 09/03/2022 a função de potencia minima para grbl? se for por favor corrijam estava funcionando perfeito com essa opção.


Did they remove the minimum power function for grbl in the update 03/09/2022? if so please correct it was working perfect with this option.

For GRBL devices minimum power had no effect on any operation other than for grayscale images. What are you seeing that is behaving differently now?

Quando eu corto algum tipo de borracha com desenhos com muitas curvas eu consigo eliminar a diferença de corte nas curvas com ajuste na potencia minima, fica perfeito dessa maneira como estava funcionando, por favor revejam isso é extremamente nescessario. muito obrigado

When I cut some kind of rubber with designs with many curves I can eliminate the difference in the cut in the curves with the minimum power adjustment, it is perfect the way it was working, please review this is extremely necessary. Thank you very much

Can you share a .lbrn file where you are doing this? I’m not sure how this would have worked before.

Also, if this is critical for you I suggest you rollback to the older version until this is understood.

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