Power supply wiring help

Hi all,

Hope everyone had a good Christmas!

I’m in the process of changing over my power supply, the new one is installed however the connectors are different :man_facepalming:t2:. I’ve matched the current wiring, however the laser is continuously fires when turned on. Can someone please advise what wires should go where if possible?

This is the new unit:

This is the old wiring layout

Just in case it’s needed, the unit is a 50w Chinese laser with a Ruida controller.

Thanks for your help,

That laser power supply is a 40W (M40) and won’t really work correctly for your machine. The lps is for a K40 type and isn’t directly plug compatible.

I’d suggest you send that one back and get a regular lps for your type of machine. Such as…

It is plug compatible and will make for a better lps, usually has internal current limit controls and will be easier to troubleshoot if the need arises.



Thanks! Just checking out the left hand plug. It’s showing 3 inputs instead of 4? Would it be better to get the 50w option?


Unless you have a powerful motivation to do otherwise, get an exact, plug-compatible replacement power supply, insert the connectors from the old supply, and move on.

So that we can help you a bit more, what does the old power supply look like? In particular, show us a picture of the data plate on it.

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This is the current plate on the power supply. I’ll get the new one sent back. Any recommendations on the new power supply?

It should work.

Good luck


Why not an exact replacement?


Amazon’s search tends to return irrelevant junk, so you must eyeball the results to pick out the 50 W power supplies that (I assume) match the tube you just installed.

Those supplies generally do not have the additional four terminals to the right of the six-pin control block for the +5 VDC and +24 VDC supply outputs. Were those terminals connected in the machine’s original configuration?

No the right hand block wasn’t in use.

Thanks for everyone’s help! I’ll see how I get on.