Prep layer on 316 brushed stainless steel for photo engraving

Hey team,

I’ve got a 60W JPT MOPA with a 300mm lens, and a fantastic black marking setting with a wide viewing angle for my machine.

My trouble is in preparing the surface of my brushed 316 steel for the engraving. The best cleanup pass that I’ve got at the moment leaves visible striations on the material (see pic). I’ve tried polishing over the top of this before photo engraving, but that results in a very dark engrave with a low viewing angle.
Screenshot 2024-08-30 164319

My current prep layer is:
3500 mm/s
65% power
65 KHz
200ns Q pulse
0.025mm Interval
Cross-hatch and bidirectional
No air assist

My photos are prepped in ImagR at 1270 DPI (0.02mm Interval).

Would appreciate if someone can point me in the right direction for parameters to test around.

Hi J
May I ask. what is a cleanup pass?

It’s applicable only to galvo lasers:

Cleanup passes are typically run with a tighter Line Interval, higher Frequency, and lower Max Power than the main engraving passes, and are used to clear debris and produce a better finish.

Good to know & thanks for the link.

May I ask ednisley, seeing that Im a few weeks in the forum and becoming acquainted with the more common issues in Q&A, would it be beneficial to start studying the Doc’s.

The doc not only has details on how the program works, but will introduce you to the vocabulary required to understand what’s going on:

Read through the Simple Project to see how it all fits together:

If you learn-by-watching, there’s a Youtube channel:

Reading the forum discussions will let you learn from others and probably help you avoid some common pitfalls.

The local makerspace had a T-shirt: “Your enjoyment of what you’re doing will be enhanced by knowing what you’re doing.”


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Thats funny!
Big thanks for the links…I’ll get right on it.