Preview and Shade according to power

I have a bunch of layers and they are set with power from 10 to 40%. These are Fill layers. I was hoping that i could preview how the shades would look like approximately before starting on it but i understand Shade according to power is not working unless i go to each shape and set the Power scale which i don’t understand why. Why can Lightburn not show shades when i have different power levels ? Why do i also have to set each shape Power scale ?


Because the shading is only applied within a layer.
Foreword: As you might know, LB can’t predict the outcome of a project because every material is different. So don’t rely on the “shading” of the preview.

You might also know that 10 mm/s at 50% power roughly has the same effect as 20 mm/s at 100% power. So, the result will look similar, but your preview would show a dark and a lighter object if LB only considered the power level. Therefore, it doesn’t make sense to apply a shading over all layers. Using the shading option (which is mostly used for image processing) you can see differences within one layer, but not between multiple layers. Power scale is exactly this, it takes power values in relation to the layer maximum, not the other layers.

Edit: the preview is used to see IF and WHERE objects are lasered, not HOW they will look like (because that can’t be predicted).


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