Preview interpretation

Not sure what to call this… Let me try to explain the problem…

I have a detailed lion head and I’d like to ‘reverse’ of invert the image so the mirror is left as the image.

I’ve done this many times but with this artwork I’ve run into difficulties… I’m suspicious that it has to do with the artwork, from the preview.

Here is the ‘preview’ with transverse paths enabled and ‘fill shapes individually’ for optimizing.

Lightburn - Lion-head art

It works fine, with no open shapes directly lased… When I box it to invert the image, the preview has me baffled…

The optimizing also greatly effects the results…

Any suggestions on how to get this ‘functional’ would be appreciated…

Just looking at the preview, I don’t feel good about what it’s doing…


not exactly sure what you are looking for, but try this. Change the .txt to .zip.
It was to big for me to upload.
best-lion-0-12x12A.txt (2.9 MB)

It’s around 8mB in size, … the site limit is 4mB … I don’t think it cares about any kind of extension…

If you removed or change the outer line, it will ‘engrave’ and in preview you can select invert… This is the the preview without the outer ‘box’

Click ‘invert’… and that’s what I’d like… white being the mirror…


Site don’t like zip files.
I did delete the outer box. Will it not engrave inverted if you select invert?

There are limited file types accepted by the site… .lbrn and .lbrn2 are both acceptable, but the size limit is enforced…

Try this link to the directory and right-click → download

What I don’t like is the preview, it shows me that it will burn the entire ‘block’ and then makes a pass…

Select ‘fill all shapes at once’ and look at the preview. My time with Lightburn has ‘educated’ me that when it “doesn’t look right in the preview” it probably isn’t right…

While you have it there slide the slider up around the 1/2 to 3/4 of the complete job…

I might just have to run it, but the preview kind of it makes me cringe.

Where is this ‘invert’ you’re referring?


The one in preview. Never tried to do anything that way.
Still working on it.

I’m not sure what I’m looking at when I use the preview, but I hate to waste 2 hours and the materials, not to mention babysitting it… Of course I’ll know soon enough, but it’ll still waste a chunk of mirror.

The preview shows it engraving the whole thing as far as I can tell…

I’ve been fooling with it for a few weeks… that’s why I finally posted it…

Here’s a few I’ve done

Thanks for the assistance…


I hear ya.
I get the same thing in preview.
I could move it to another program and probably get it, may just have to try that.

What do you mean?

I don’t think it’s a bug in Lightburn, I think it has to do with the artwork … somehow


That is what I mean. I an checking the artwork.

Is there a reason why you want to use “Fill shapes individually”? With all the tiny parts of the design that’s going to have your laser running all over the place. It’s also likely the reason why you’re seeing some odd traversal movements.

From zooming in and looking at the shapes I can see some very long and wide individual shapes. If you are filling each shape individually there would be a lot of excess movement due to this.

Highlight of some of what I’m talking about:

I’ve tried some of the options and figure it’s the artwork…

The optimizing wasn’t the issue, it just showed the issue more clearly.

Is there a suggestions you’re making? Like offset it or ?


I would think for something like this that “Fill all shapes at once” would be your preferred option.

I’d suggest burning this to a smaller piece of paper or something else to confirm it works as expected. The unburned areas are quite thin so you’ll want to make sure they come out okay.

The other potential strategy you could use is to convert the design to a bitmap.

Hate to tell you this, but you are right. It is the art work. I am trying a few things to fix it, but it may not be easy.

The problem with smaller is that the ‘small parts’ are that much smaller… it’s pretty detailed…

When I scan it, it’s a bitmap for all practical purposes… I’d prefer not to ‘dither’ it.

If I use ‘fill all shapes at once’ the whole thing shows up black in the preview and looks like it double covers the same area again about half way through. Drag the progress bar around at over 50%, shows up rather strange…


Ah… I didn’t fundamentally understand the issue. Reviewing again.

Some (a lot) of the white are actually objects. That is why the fill is all messed up.
I would say a total waste of time and material to try it.

Okay. Some possible remediations.

  1. Select the lion shape and ungroup multiple times until you cannot ungroup any more. Any “bad” shapes will be limited in their effect.
  2. Select the background shape, add the lion shape to selection, Tools-Boolean Difference. Preview the resulting object. It will complain about open shapes. Select “Show me” and then delete the offending shapes.

I’ll give that a shot…



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