I have an image i converted to bitmap inside lightburn i want to engrave, and when i select the image it shows the rectangle selecting it doing a nice boundary around the image. However when i preview the burn or fire the laser, it adds a a horizontal offset i cant seem to get rid of doing a ghost trace of teh very edges of the image. Here are some photos:
As you can see the selected area is much smaller than where the preview tracks out to, and i have verified that the image has no “ghost offset” in a couple other image programs.
No, as it is not an option that i am given, looking at google over scanning is not supposed to be available on the Lightburn side of things when using a rudia controller is DSP mode.
With our recent release, we have improved the Preview to now include the overscan traversal moves for DSP control systems as well.
Preview overscan moves for DSPs
The preview now simulates the overscan moves added automatically by DSP controllers, giving much more accurate time estimates.
Go to Edit > Device Settings, click the ‘Additional Settings’ tab, then ‘Read from Controller’. This will sync the settings in the preview with your machine.