Print and cut in LightBurn 1.4.00

HI guys and girls.
I am trying to cut an oversized piece on my olm3.
I have set the same 2 marks on both files.
Cut file 1. open file 2.
Set the head to mark 1 then jog to mark 2 (steps 1 and 2).
Then get lost on steps 3 and 4.
When I click start nothing happens.
Thanks for any help.

  1. Align Output to Targets; use no scaling if your design matches intended size. Use scaling if you need the design to scale
  2. Frame to make sure that the burn will occur where expected
  3. Burn

I’d suggest practicing with a contrived simple design on non-precious material before attempting this on something meaningful.

In steps 1 and 2 I have Aligned Output to Targets, if I then frame it takes off away from the Targets. So I have to start allover again.
This is a 17 x 12 piece of 3mm birth plywood 4 wasted so far.

Thus the recommendation to do this with a contrived file on cheap materials. I’d suggest something like cardboard and do a small design.

If you create a sample design I can review to make the basic setup is correct.

I’m sorry but you don’t seam to understand the question…
What i don’t understand is what to do in steps 3 and 4. And why my laser does nothing when i press start.

Can you list out what you think the steps are? And what the complication is in these 2 steps?

What exactly is happening at this time? In what way is your material being wasted?

There’s likely something wrong in the setup but what exactly is hard to say without confirming what you’re doing and how you’re doing it.

I have a 17 x 10 project so cut the shape into 2 pieces using cut shape.
I add restation marks , I then make 2 files each with one shape and restation mark,
Then cut no,1 shape, move laser head over restation mark1 and set restation mark in lb
marks burnt with shape 1.
move laser head over restation mark2 and set in LightBurn.
Then hit frame, it goes anywhere but where It wants but where it should be ,
Swear a few times then start over

In Lightburn 1.4.00 there are 4 steps I am doing 2 of them and do not understand why steps 3 and 4 as i have already done that .
Best as i can explain, The material being wasted because i can’t get it to line up.

Where are the 4 steps? I’m confused on this because I had assumed the steps were:

  1. set target 1
  2. set target 2
  3. Align output to target
  4. frame/burn

But you’re alluding to something else so want to make sure we’re talking the same language.

Have you switched to file 2 for when you’re setting the targets?

Are you using jogging controls to move your laser? Or are you moving the laser head by hand?

Can you upload the 2 files for review?

In what was is the material getting wasted if you’re not getting to stage of burning?

bm1.lbrn2 (363.5 KB)
bm2.lbrn2 (136.0 KB)

I do notice a small issue with the design setup. I’ve aligned the two files together along the registration marks here. Note the yellow highlighted misalignment. However, this shouldn’t be anywhere close to what you’re describing.

Are you able to address the other questions in my previous post? That will narrow down potential causes.

Thanks for your help. I had to redo the files because i forgot to change the slot and tab size. I think I have it now. Step 3 move the laser back over to mark one .

I’m not following. Are you saying you’re good to go now?

You needn’t do this.

Yes I think I have it now, will try on a amazon box lol Thanks again

Did you select the items to cut/engrave?

Success at last. Thanks again. bob :grinning:

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