Print and Cut issues (image not printing in color)

Need some insight/assistance: running Lightburn 1.7.03, trying to print and cut from Lightburn, the image I tried to print does not print in color on my Epson printer, have tried multiple setting to see if it matters, and nothing.

Loaded color image, selected output in color, sent the job to my Epson color printer; ensuring it was set to print in color, still only prints black and white.

Has anyone had this problem? how did you fix it? am I missing some setting?

If I understand the question, to my knowledge you cannot use lightburn to print to a color inkjet or laser printer.
The software is designed to work with laser engraving and cutting machines. The colors you see in Lightburn are just to distinguish the layers from each other.

At most you can make a “printscreen” and reproduce it on a laser or inkjet printer.

My understanding is that I can import the color image to Lightburn arrange it as I want it, add the registration marks to alight the laser, Print the file in a color printer then using Lightburn I can cut out the shapes on the printed paper.

Your undertanding is close, but not quite right. Open the image in a graphics program, add the registration marks, print it on your color printer, then import the image with the registration marks into lightburn and go through the print and cut process.

This video should help.

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Continuing the discussion from Print and Cut issues (image not printing in color):

Yup, I am doing that now, taught Lightburn could handle it since on the print options it allows to print in color.

Print (keep colors)’, will only print the layer colors as they are assigned from LightBurn, not the original colors of an image, which are discarded on import for efficiency.

Example using “Print to PDF” with a couple of line mode and a fill mode shape;

Boom, that makes sense, thanks for that insight. I’ll continue to use Adobe Illustrator, just need to improve my skills and workflow to make the process go faster.

Thanks everyone.

For what it’s worth, you don’t need to add registration marks to your print if you can use parts of your image as such. If there are sharp reference corners you can center the laser on, that should work fine as well. You might have to add a mark over them in lightburn so you can select them, but then you won’t have to print them.

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