Print and Cut not lining up

We are trying to use the Print and Cut feature with the pass-thru in our 60W laser. We have a Ruida controller.

It wasn’t working at first but I was able to uncheck where it was ignoring anything out of bounds & it then worked.

But the 1st part & 2nd part of the design didn’t line up at all. They were off by a good couple of inches & to the left a good inch. We followed all of the videos & aligned the targets to our registration marks perfectly. I’m not sure what we could have done wrong. Maybe another setting isn’t set right?

I noticed it didn’t seem to frame correctly when I framed before starting the job. If that happens, do I just try again? Did it just not align to my registration marks correctly? What could cause that?

Are you using absolute coordinates? If not, you really should be for this to work properly.

Can you talk through the exact series of steps you took for the print and cut? Can you share a screenshot of the design itself in LightBurn as well?

Yes, I used absolute coords. Everything seemed to cut correctly. It just wasn’t lined up right.

I had a video but it won’t let me upload. So I’ll try not to miss any steps.
I had my image cut into two parts.
Cut the first part no problem including engraved registration marks.
Moved the board thru the pass-thru to line up the registration marks with my red dot.
Re-focused the laser.
Moved the laser exactly over the left registration mark.
Opened the Print and Cut wizard.
Clicked to Set the first target position.
Moved the laser head over to the right registration mark.
Aligned it perfectly.
Clicked to Set the second target position.
Clicked Align Outputs (no scaling).
Both of my registration marks got blue circles around them in LB & I had Print and Cut (no scaling) in my Laser window.
Framed my project & I noticed it wasn’t aligned perfectly.
Tried to run the job in hopes it would still work.
Cut perfectly but wasn’t lined up at all.

Can you confirm what type of red dot you have? Is it a combined beam that comes out of your lens or is it side mounted?

Are you using jogging controls to do this?

Proper alignment will have framing in the right location so a good indicator once you have things sorted out.

Your basic steps all seem fine so there must be some small detail that’s off.

It is a side mount. I make sure to focus the laser & do a pulse to make sure the red dot is accurate before every try. It does easily get knocked around.

I am using jogging controls from the controller then from LB once I’m close to make sure it’s as close as can be.

Ok, thank you. I figured I must be missing something.

Okay. So the red dot is aimed at the same spot as the primary laser? If so, this should be fine.

This should be fine too.

Can you confirm that the registration marks are aligned properly on the two halves of the design? Such that the two halves meet perfectly when the registration marks overlap?

You mentioned a video, can you post to an external site and link here? There might be some additional clues there.

Sure. Here you go. This was the last attempt before I figured out I needed to de-select the Ignore out of bounds shapes. So then I did the exact same thing & got it to actually cut just not lined up.

Assuming that the two halves of the design line-up with the registration marks I’m not sure what else could be wrong.

Nothing in the video jumped out at me.

You may want to test print & cut with a much smaller design using cheap materials just to see if you can get it to behave. Perhaps try printing a design on a piece of paper and cutting it out. This will verify if there’s something wrong in procedure or in something else.

Ok. I just tried a small project with just a couple of circles & everything seemed to be going smoothly until it was time to cut the 2nd part. Again it aligned just fine but wouldn’t cut anything. When I clicked start it just beeped done like there wasn’t an image to cut again. I double checked that the Ignore shapes that are out of boundaries wasn’t turned on again but it wasn’t so I’m not sure what’s wrong.

I can try to just cut out something using registration marks tomorrow & see if that works.

Instead of relying on “Ignore out of bounds shapes if possible” you may want to enable “Cut Selected Graphics” in Laser window and make sure to select the portion of the design you want to burn. Then use Preview to make sure that only the relevant portions are attempting to be burned.

Ok, I tried that, as well, with no luck. But in the same test job. It was showing in the preview just fine & framed well. Just didn’t cut anything. I’ll try that again in a new project.

This is odd. Do you have issues with any other burns when not using print and cut?

Nope. It even cuts the first part perfectly.

Hmm. Now when I tried that last night it was trying to send the laser head way up & right after hitting start. I tried it from the controller also with no luck. So, it doesn’t seem like LB is recognizing the correct position of where my laser head is on my bed.

Do I need to allow the laser to fully Home when turning it on? I usually don’t worry about that bc I always just use Current Position. Would that mess anything up using Absolute Coords?

Yes. This is most likely the issue. Without homing there is no ability to have a known reference position for home.

Ok. Thank you. I’ll try that later. :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

Can you, also, please tell me how to arrange the laser, move, etc windows? I reset the layout to default bc I kept losing the color toolbar that’s at the bottom. And it put all of those windows together. I used to have the laser panel beneath the move & etc ones but I can’t figure out how to put it back that way.

While a bit dated, still relevant and should assist.

Thank you! I’ve tried moving them around by grabbing the top but they won’t stack like they used to no matter how much I try to mess with them. They all just snap back to full size with different tabs. Am I missing something?

Share with us a full-screen capture (hard to see phone pix :slight_smile:) after selecting ‘Window’→’Reset to default layout’, which should stack and tab these windows for you initially.

What size and resolution is this display?

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