Is it possible to set up Print and cut accurately without a laser pointer? I do have a camera but am not sure that would be helpful. I rarely use P&C so it would almost be a one-off that does not substantiate the purchase and installation of a through-the-lens pointer.
With a CO₂ laser: basically nope.
You could use the laser to punch tiny holes while approaching the target by successive approximation, but that will require putting the targets where you don’t mind a bunch of little holes around them.
An overhead camera will not be sufficiently accurate for the purpose. You might be able to use a head-mounted camera, perhaps with a software graticule, but IMO that’s in the nature of wishful thinking.
Those are spendy and, on 100 W tubes, might dissipate enough power in the partially reflective mirrors to cause trouble.
My 60 W OMTech came with a red-dot dot pointer on the head that intersects the beam position at the focus distance. Getting it right required some effort, but it works surprisingly well:
Because it’s easy to knock out of alignment, I verify the red dot position by firing a test pulse into the edge of whatever I’m cutting: the red dot suddenly dims when the pulse punches a hole in its middle.