Prob printing to a ULS print driver

I’m trying out the new print driver support for lasers such as our ULS (Universal Laser Systems) X100 here.

ULS will interpret vector art as raster if the vector width is above a very small limit- Corel 4, 0.001", Corel 8 needs 0.0005". That will be a no-print if it’s “Vector Only”, but will jump to rastering if “RAST/VECT” is selected.

And that’s what I’m getting, the vectors are interpreted as raster graphics. If the print driver layer is “raster”, it will try to raster it (not what we want) or if we specify the layer as Vector only, then nothing comes through because the driver sees it as a bitmap.

I’ve got the layer as “LINE” not “FILL”.

In short, no way to get vectors across, don’t know why

Any ideas?

No workaround yet?

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