The video is good, it shows us what your issue is, but it doesn’t answer Chris’ question. Does the Y-axis exhibit this behavior when you are not using the rotary?
There are two ways.
If you haven’t set up the “steps per rotation” value yet nothing will come out correctly. You have to get that value correct for your machine, motor controller, etc, and then the others will work as expected.
If the item came out stretched, it sounds like you need to reduce the steps per rotation value. Measure how large the design came out to, then divide that by how big it was supposed to be, and use that number to divide the steps per rotation value by.
For example, if your design came ou…
If your rotary is direct drive, i.e. the stepper motor is coupled directly to the roller or chuck, the steps per revolution of the stepper motor are the same as the steps per rotation of the rotary. It’s just the steps per revolution of the motor multiplied by the number micro-steps.
To calculate the steps per rotation of a belt driven rotary device,
S = steps per revolution of the stepper motor
u = # of micro-steps
MP = # of teeth on stepper motor pulley
RP = # of teeth on roller/chuck pul…