Problem engraving several layers

I’am using a Vevor l4040. I did some tests which were all quite satisfying
Today I tried to print something I creayed. And… all the layers were engraved “melted”.
What did I do wrong?

It is supposed to be a medal

Thanks for your help

Was the plywood well fixed?

Run the file in the following post then post here pictures of the output:

Also post your project .lbrn2 file for us to have a look.


Here is my file
MEDAILLE.lbrn2 (216,1 Ko)

I don’t know why the cuts are not all axed correctly ?

Your project file seems ok.
You have to run the

Then post a picture .
Likely your laser has mechanical issues,
Check here:

I’ll print the test file and alsoo look at possible mechanical issues.
Do you think I need to reset x and y zeros ?

For now just test the laser mechanics.

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