Problem mit der Kamera

Moin. Ich habe ein kleines Problem mit lightburn. Und zwar wenn ich meinen laser und die cam verbinde, und dann ALT + C betätige passiert nur sowas.

Über Kamerasteuerung bekomme ich aber ein komplettes Bild.

Wo liegt mein Fehler. Die ganze Zeit hat es funktioniert.

Wäre für jeden Ratschlag dankbar.

Good morning. I have a small problem with lightburn. And if I connect my laser and the cam, and then press ALT + C, only something like this happens.

But I get a complete picture via camera control. where is my mistake It worked all the time.

Would be grateful for any advice.

All of the previous settings should be recoverable from an lbprefs file.
The preferences file changed from the time of this post but the camera information ‘should’ be present.

In LightBurn, click File, click Import Prefs and select a file with a date in the filename from when the camera was working well for you. This should return your camera to the working settings.

You may loose recent changes to lasers and equipment but those files should be present as well.

Please let us know if the files are in a directory or folder that is on a file-sharing service OneDrive or Google Drive or if they are stored on an external drive. We have seen data loss with some files on shared or external storage.

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