Hello everyone!
I have a project of 30 trophies to do and since this morning, at the 15th board, I have encountered a problem.
The filling is done but the laser turns off as soon as it has to make lines, so no more cuts…
I am attaching the photos of the settings and a video so that you can see better.
I had a problem something along the same line. I had to reset the settings to default. Not sure if this will work for you but it is worth a try. Remember to write down the settings you are using before you do it.
No, that didn’t solve my problem.
I thought the filling was working but no, it looks like the laser is dying, it does not give all its strength…
At first we could measure around 0.5mm of hollow, there it’s just a “pencil” filling…
I don’t know what to do, is there a hardware problem? I only have the engraver since September 1
The GCode you emailed to support looks correct, so it’s possible that there is a hardware fault with the laser itself. Check to make sure the wires connecting the laser head are secure - sometimes it’s as simple as that.
I’m not sure if this is your problem but I’ve went through something similar where the laser would just stop randomly. I did some research and found that static buildup was causing the issue. By running a grounding wire from module to frame and frame to main board solved my issue.