Just a quick question, but has anyone else had problems updating? I see a number of threads regarding post update problems, but in my case, I ran the .run file, restarted the computer, and LightBurn was still running the old version. I did quit before running the update, that way it wouldn’t mess up the desktop files, links, etc, but nope, no luck. Tried again, still no change. Currently running LM:DE on the system.
On a seperate topic (yeah, should start a thread for it, but is lazy), although you can upload your images here, if you want to host elsewhere and link to them, I recommend https://imgbb.com/ They can generate the BB Codes for use on a forum, I usually use thumbnailed so the pics aren’t too big, and it’s free. Not much in the way of features, but good for basic image storage, heck I’m thinking of moving my library to it so it’s always available even if I get a new computer.
Yep, I haven’t been too overly concerned as you can tell as I’m only getting around to posting now. I figure this is an incremental update, so likely nothing real important with it. Besides, that I think will just get me the same .run file, so likely it won’t help.
I suspect this is more about the install going to different locations. Make sure whatever method you’re using to launch LightBurn is in fact pointing to the newly updated LightBurn folder.
There was a different user here who was experiencing something similar although I can’t find that post at the moment.
Are you running the .run file from a console or just double clicking it? If the latter, please try to run it again from the console. This will display errors if there were any.
Use this: bash ./LightBurn-Linux64-v*.run
If you were already running from the console were running running it with sudo?
If you didn’t run with sudo before and are now, or vice versa, it installs to a different location.
There are two places it could be installed to:
${HOME}/.local/share/LightBurn if not run with sudo
/usr/share/LightBurn if run with sudo
Check both those places to see if it is installed there. Run LB from wherever you find it and see which version it shows in the Help dialog. Let us know what you find
Run the installer again with --uninstall
Do this BOTH with and without sudo. This is very important. Running it both ways will remove ALL instances. Then run the installer again as normal.
Was launching it from the menu, both by finding it in it’s category and by searching for it with no luck.
•pokes a bit• Ok, found the problem, at least partially, now just gotta figure out how to fix it. Clicking on AppRun in /usr/share/LightBurn launches the proper version, so clearly the old version hasn’t been removed, nor has the desktop file been updated.
Got it, at some point a local version was installed of the old one, and the system was defaulting to it despite the installer supposedly creating a new desktop file for the update.
@adammhaile Thanks for telling me where the program would be installed, that got me thinking of what to look for, what to delete (yeah, manually deleting the local is prolly not the best thing to do), and then a log out to get it working.