Problem with alignment

Good day,

I have the Ortur OLM 3 10W.
When i try and rerun a job over the original the alignment is out by a 1mm or so.
No settings were changed or the board moved.

Any advice is welcome.

Is your machine secured to the worktop? Are all the screws tight?
Are the guide rails and wheels clean?
Are the belt pulleys tight?
Is the belt tension correct? Are they not damaged, dirty or worn?
Sorry I can’t help you more at the moment, but I hope one of these solutions is the right one and that you can enjoy engraving again.

Was it +1mm on the X or Y.

Did you try again to engrave and re-run.

Another possibility… What is the value of GRBL parameter $1? If power is not maintained on the motors continuously ($1=255), the gantry and trolley will be free to move within 1/4 second. Even a slight touch or nudge can move it 1mm or more.

Another possibility #2… If the parts are small, wind from any cooling or exhaust fan might be moving the part.

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