Problem with curves/circles

Hi guys,
I have a problem with circles.
In image u see a simple circle. If I send the job to the machine I have seen that it was not perfect.
So, I exported the gcode and opened it with a viewer.
This is the result.
The problem is only with curves, if I send a square or line all perfect.

If I generate the same circle with another software it work fine, only in LB I have this problem.

Can someone help me?

Hi Dario,

Please upload the GCode file so other members can inspect it. Make sure the GCode file extension is .txt so you can upload it.

Is this a 20mm diameter circle?

What value do you have set for output curve tolerance in Edit>Settings>File Settings?

Yes, it’s a 20 mm diameter circle.
This is my settings and my gcode.

; LightBurn 1.2.03
; GRBL device profile, current position
; Bounds: X-11 Y-11 to X11 Y11
G00 G17 G40 G21 G54
; Cut @ 501 mm/min, 21% power
G0 X11Y1
; Layer C00
G1 X-1.013Y-1.515S2001F501
G1 X-1.039Y-1.507
G1 X-1.063Y-1.501
G1 X-1.088Y-1.492
G1 X-1.247Y-1.959
G1 X-1.336Y-1.918
G1 X-1.421Y-1.875
G1 X-1.501Y-1.824
G1 X-1.576Y-1.77
G1 X-1.645Y-1.71
G1 X-1.71Y-1.645
G1 X-1.77Y-1.576
G1 X-1.824Y-1.501
G1 X-1.875Y-1.421
G1 X-1.918Y-1.336
G1 X-1.959Y-1.247
G1 X-1.492Y-1.088
G1 X-1.501Y-1.063
G1 X-1.507Y-1.039
G1 X-1.515Y-1.013
G1 X-1.515Y1.013
G1 X-1.507Y1.039
G1 X-1.501Y1.063
G1 X-1.492Y1.088
G1 X-1.959Y1.247
G1 X-1.918Y1.336
G1 X-1.875Y1.421
G1 X-1.824Y1.501
G1 X-1.77Y1.576
G1 X-1.71Y1.645
G1 X-1.645Y1.71
G1 X-1.576Y1.77
G1 X-1.501Y1.824
G1 X-1.421Y1.875
G1 X-1.336Y1.918
G1 X-1.247Y1.959
G1 X-1.088Y1.492
G1 X-1.063Y1.501
G1 X-1.039Y1.507
G1 X-1.013Y1.515
G1 X1.013Y1.515
G1 X1.039Y1.507
G1 X1.063Y1.501
G1 X1.088Y1.492
G1 X1.247Y1.959
G1 X1.336Y1.918
G1 X1.421Y1.875
G1 X1.501Y1.824
G1 X1.576Y1.77
G1 X1.645Y1.71
G1 X1.71Y1.645
G1 X1.77Y1.576
G1 X1.824Y1.501
G1 X1.875Y1.421
G1 X1.918Y1.336
G1 X1.959Y1.247
G1 X1.492Y1.088
G1 X1.501Y1.063
G1 X1.507Y1.039
G1 X1.515Y1.013
G1 X1.515Y-1.013
G1 X1.507Y-1.039
G1 X1.501Y-1.063
G1 X1.492Y-1.088
G1 X1.959Y-1.247
G1 X1.918Y-1.336
G1 X1.875Y-1.421
G1 X1.824Y-1.501
G1 X1.77Y-1.576
G1 X1.71Y-1.645
G1 X1.645Y-1.71
G1 X1.576Y-1.77
G1 X1.501Y-1.824
G1 X1.421Y-1.875
G1 X1.336Y-1.918
G1 X1.247Y-1.959
G1 X1.088Y-1.492
G1 X1.063Y-1.501
G1 X1.039Y-1.507
G1 X1.013Y-1.515
G1 S0
; return to starting pos
G0 X-11Y1

For clarity here is an example of a circle and square in app and lasered.

You still didn’t show your curve tolerance setting.

What would be a “normal” setting?? or some place to start?
I also am havin line circle issues.
Rich Johnson
co2 80w (Morn) ruida 644

Page 95 in docs explains this but in the real world …

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