Problem with fill mode


So I have this problem where the fill command is misbehaving and filling up more space when it should only remain between the two yellow lines.

So far I have checked whether the objects are closed… they are.
I have imported the files as dxf, ai and svg and I have always the same result.

I have searched for hours for solution but with no luck and that is the reason why I am posting new topic.

Any advice what should I change?

P.S: It is quite strange to me that the letters are working ok but this does not.

Looks to me like it is doing what you are asking it to do.
Only problem I see is the letters are not welded causing the white space where they overlap.
Show a screen shot of your cut / layer window with fill on.

Sorry to be dense…but I don’t see where there is a problem. The border and letters are all on the fill layer, and it looks like they’re filling. I don’t see anything else getting filled?

Do you mean the red areas to the left and right of the border in the preview? those won’t be engraved, it’s just showing you the areas where it will overscan after each pass.

Well it seems that I was so tired and frustrated from changing the design about 50 times in order for it to work that I lost track of problem.
I must admit this was not one of my proudest moments. Thank you all for help

Weld them together. I’ve had that issue before. :slight_smile:

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